Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 3 Report: Best Day Yet

Profit: +$316
Hours Played: 9

Saturday's have always been one of my most profitable days of the week, and last night was no exception. I made about $128 in five hours playing cash games on Full Tilt. Saturday nights are prime time for cash games, because that's when you can make easy money off all the drunk asses and part-time players who just play for fun(and are almost always losing players). I didn't really have any interesting hands that are worth talking about, pretty much just got paid off with pocket aces and pocket kings a bunch of times. Sometimes its as easy as that.

I've really been playing some of my best poker the past few days. First of all I've been highly motivated because I want to complete my challenge and not look like a dumbass after making this blog public. And I also really don't wanna have to make a post about how how I lost a bunch of money one day. So when I've started playing and things don't go my way I've stuck with it when I normally might have just said "today's not my day" and quit playing.

My cash game sessions have been helping my tournament game enormously in terms of reading what other people have. I've been sniffing out the bluffs and making some sick re-raises with nothing when I sense weakness. My good play was rewarded last night when I took first in a $4.40 180person tournament on pokerstars for $216.

Poker is just about the funnest game in the world when you're making money, and the dumbest game in the world when you're not. I wouldn't even wanna guess how many times I've thought to myself "why do I play this stupid F***ing game?!!??!". When you're on a heater like this though, it's pretty damn fun.

Stats for pokerstars the past 3 days:

Total after 3 days: +$712

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